Логотип Центра

Текстовые отзывы


Jul 17, 2024

An operation to replace the aortic valve was required. We were very worried, but the doctor performed the operation flawlessly! Thanks! I constantly checked on my mother, wrote down all the recommendations and monitored the condition! Even now she is under control and is interested in her health! The human factor is at its maximum, for which I thank you very much. Most of all, I was pleased that the entire team of doctors was also sensitively and responsibly involved in the work! Thank you so much.


Jul 17, 2024

Thank you to the staff of the department for the warm, comfortable atmosphere, which is in your department, for cleanliness and coziness, for good attitude! Thank you to my favorite doctors: Balakhonov V.V., Sorokin A.A., Kim G.I., Prototorova Y.D., Starozzhskaya M.V. You don't just help people, you save them. Your work is priceless. Live a million years! And let in the hustle of running days, everything will be fine with you!

Mrs. Mikishkina

Jul 17, 2024

My mother, Maria Vasilyevna Mikishkina, was treated by the doctor after the operation. According to her reviews, we have never met a more attentive, caring doctor. Ruslan Yusufovich always paid attention to the condition and problems that his mother had, reacted quickly to all complaints, was very tactful towards the elderly man, cheered and joked when his mother was very ill. The doctor was even interested in my mother's condition in his personal time. Ruslan Yusufovich is a true professional who loves his job and puts his whole soul into it.

Mr. Muradov

Jul 16, 2024

Big thanks to all doctors and medical staff in the cardiology department. Especially to Alexey Sergeevich Vasiliev and the operating team. Thank you, medical sisters, for good, kind and responsive attitude to patients. Thank you. May God be with you!


Jul 16, 2024

Almost after the stenting performed in the [...] emergency hospital, my wife spent three days looking for the best cardiac surgeon, a vascular surgeon in St. Petersburg. Walking will master the road, she managed to find Dmitry Viktorovich Shmatov. When I met Dmitry Viktorovich, I felt human warmth, respect for a complete stranger. Having approached my illness professionally, Dmitry Viktorovich almost immediately delivered the final verdict. And this is heart surgery, namely, bypass surgery and replacement of the aortic valve. Later I found out that Dmitry Viktorovich had already had more than two thousand such operations. The most noble cardiac surgeon Dmitry Viktorovich gave me a second date of birth, turning my idea of national cardiac surgery upside down. I can safely say that the team led by Dmitry Viktorovich is a forge of human hearts! My second birthday is April 04, 2024, which I will celebrate and remember the kindness of the entire Dmitry Viktorovich team. I am grateful to you and grateful for the warm attitude of all the staff: from the simplest to the most difficult. On everyone's lips: from nannies to sisters, from attending doctors, there were such words: 'Markov, darling, my good one.' I heard these words for the last time in 1976. Being a doctor of medical sciences, heading the Department of Cardiology and leading such a team, I bow to Dmitry Viktorovich for everything, and for the fact that there is such a person with a capital letter! Thanks!