Логотип Центра

Текстовые отзывы

Mrs. Pavlova

Jul 14, 2024

city of Bryansk

In June 2024, Dmitry Viktorovich Shmatov, MD, surgeon, performed an operation to replace the aortic valve for my husband, Sergey Fedorovich Pavlov. The operation was performed professionally, with mini-access, which allows the patient to recover sooner. Many thanks to the surgeon. His work is invaluable! We wish you only successful operations! In Bryansk, they said that this clinic takes the most difficult patients. And we, in the person of Dmitry Viktorovich, confirm this! Pavlova T.I., Bryansk.

Mrs. Pavlova

Jul 14, 2024

city of Bryansk

My husband was sent to St. Petersburg to the clinic named after him. Pirogov for surgery to replace the aortic valve. In open heart surgery, cardiologists work with surgeons in a professional team. We were lucky that my husband, S.F. Pavlov, had a cardiologist, Maria Vladimirovna Starosotskaya. Attentive, delving into all the details, calm, feels what anyone needs, in addition to treatment, endearing, which is very important for serious patients. It's not scary to turn to her. She consistently tells everything, describes, and has a calming effect, including on the patient's relatives. With great respect to her and the entire staff of the department, the Pavlov family, Bryansk.

Mr. Pavlov

Jul 12, 2024

My husband Pavlov S.F. was sent for an operation to replace the aortic valve. June - July 2024. We would like to express our gratitude to Maxim Sergeevich as the head of the department of cardio surgery of this clinic, for his personal participation and insight into all the subtleties of the course of her husband's postoperative period, attention to the problems of patients in general, sociability and friendliness.

Mrs. Pavlova

Jul 12, 2024

city of Bryansk

My husband Pavlov Sergey Fedorovich was sent from Bryansk to this clinic for an operation to replace the aortic valve. Ruslan Yusufovich assisted the surgeon D.V. Shmatov and in the postoperative period provided significant assistance as a surgeon and simply as a sincere, responsive, friendly person. Thanks to his direct participation, literal actions, my husband became physically easier, his depression disappeared, and his mood lifted. A professional! Good health to him and only good luck and success in the treatment of heart patients! Pavlova T.I.

Mr. Mikhailov

Jul 10, 2024

City of Kostroma

We came to this clinic in the direction of the need to perform open heart surgery on dad. Kim Gleb Irlamovich is a surgeon, one of the best specialists at the Center of cardiac surgery. Dad's surgery was planned and successful. Thank you very much for your professionalism, attentiveness, and sensitive attitude. Thanks to the whole department, you are wonderful people, the best doctors! The patient, Mikhailov S.F., Kostroma.