Center of Cardiovascular Surgery and Interventional Cardiology
at the N.I. Pirogov Clinic of High Medical Technologies of St. Petersburg State University
Deputy Chief Medical Officer (Cardiac Surgery), Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery at St. Petersburg State University Medical Institute
Cardiovascular Surgeon
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Specialist of the highest category
Aortic valve stenosis
Mitral valve stenosis
Heart valve failure
Aortic valve insufficiency
Tricuspid stenosis
Tricuspid insufficiency
Aortic aneurysm
Aneurysm of the heart
2003 — 2010
Cardiovascular Surgeon
2005 — 2006
Surgical Expert, Researcher
2010 — 2013
Head of the Cardiovascular Surgery Department
2013 — 2014
Head of the Cardiovascular Surgery Department
2014 — 2025
Deputy Director for Medical Affairs, Head of the Cardiovascular Surgery Center, Cardiovascular Surgeon
2025 — present
Deputy Chief Medical Officer (Cardiac Surgery)
Medical Practice
Basic Education
Cardiovascular Surgery
Cardiovascular Surgery
Professional Development
Healthcare Organization and Public Health
Professional Development
Cardiovascular Surgery
Professional Development
Issued by: Mordovian Educational Center
Valid until December 31, 2024
Issued by: Northwestern State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov
Valid until October 07, 2025
Dec 15, 2024
At the age of 65 (since the beginning of 2024), my mother's disease worsened, which she had been turning a blind eye to for a long time - aortic stenosis, which caused swelling of the legs and ascites, and there was fluid in the lungs - pleural effusion. We were in five hospitals in St. Petersburg, and everyone was throwing up their hands. It was only in May that we were lucky enough to meet a cardiologist who diagnosed severe aortic stenosis with insufficiency, severe tricuspid insufficiency, aortic dilation, stage III hypertension. With therapy, he stabilized my mother's condition, and managed to get rid of 10 liters of edema. The cardiologist said very gently but persistently that mom couldn't do without a valve repair. In August, we learned about Dr. D. V. Shmatov from reviews and signed up for a consultation with him at the Pirogov Clinic of High Medical Technologies. Before meeting with the doctor, we read the reviews of grateful patients and watched the interview with the doctor. Initially, my mother's attitude was 'I'll live as long as I live, I won't agree to any interference.' Despite the fact that this remarkable man is a luminary of science and is widely known in Russia and abroad, he communicates very warmly with patients and relatives, shows concern and kindness to everyone. In a word, the doctor won me over right away. The doctor ordered additional studies, which showed that in addition to the acquired defect, there is also a congenital defect, and only open-heart surgery can solve three problems at once, and it was impossible to delay the operation, since the prognosis was to live for several months. And it was not possible to wait for a quota, so we went for a paid operation without hesitation. The doctor immediately warned about the possible consequences and risks. We would like to thank Dmitry Viktorovich for believing in success and seeing my mother's desire to live. An operation was scheduled in October. Mom was hospitalized on Friday. The doctor came to her on Sunday, asked if she wanted surgery and which valve she wanted - mechanical or biological. We talked, the doctor was convinced of my mother's determination and attitude, and on Monday, 10/21/2024, at 8 a.m., my mother was already in the operating room. The operation lasted 7 hours. My mother's aortic valve was replaced with a biological prosthesis, the tricuspid valve was plasticized, the ascending aorta was sutured, the birth defect was eliminated, and the arrhythmia foci were cryoablated. Thanks to D. V. Shmatov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, for having him. The clinic employs the best staff under the leadership of Dmitry Viktorovich. When you walk down the stairs and corridors of the clinic, you see photos of doctors at work, and it is very soothing. Everyone in the department is affectionate, friendly and welcoming to relatives. Entrusting yourself or your loved one to such a team of professionals is not scary at all. After the operation, my mother was in intensive care for 2 days. Intensive care specialist Egor Olegovich quickly brought his mother to her senses after the operation and removed all the unpleasant postoperative symptoms. He calmed my mother down, talked about the children, and also calmed us down. On Wednesday, my mother was already transferred to the ward, and she was able to walk on her own. Special thanks to the nurses for their human attitude, care, for how quickly they come to the rescue and how affectionately they treat patients. I would like to encourage those who are faced with such difficult tasks and recommend contacting a high-tech clinic.