Логотип Центра

Текстовые отзывы


Jul 6, 2024

I applied for severe pain in my legs. A thorough examination, tests were performed, and bypass surgery of the arteries of the heart was prescribed. After recovery, bypass surgery of the arteries of the lower extremities will be performed. Many thanks to Kalashnikova L.Y. for her sensitive attitude.

Mr. Subbotin

Jul 5, 2024

Kostroma city

I'm writing on behalf of my dad. We express our gratitude to Dmitry V. Shmatov for the heart surgery performed to replace the aortic valve. The difficult operation and recovery were successful! Also, thank you for the attentive attitude of the cardiologist Yulia Dmitrievna Provotorova, surgeon Alexey Sergeevich Vasiliev and the entire clinic. Pirogova. We were sent to the clinic from the Kostroma cardiology dispensary. As it turned out, already during hospitalization, it was impossible to delay, the operation was scheduled quickly. Thank you for your professionalism. Subbotin V.S., Kostroma.


Jul 4, 2024

I came to the Pirogov Clinic of High Medical Technologies. A coronography procedure was performed, which showed that the arteries of the heart are in critical condition, and open heart surgery (bypass surgery) is urgently required. The operation was performed by Maxim Sergeevich Kamenskikh, head of the cardiac surgery department. The operation was successful, and on the second day I was able to get back on my feet. A week later, I feel good, I continue to undergo rehabilitation at home. I bow low to Maxim Sergeevich for his professionalism in a difficult task. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Maxim Sergeevich for the surgery (bypass surgery) performed on me. The work was done at the highest level, I recommend it!


Jul 4, 2024

My father went to the doctor. In the spring, my father had periodic pains in the heart area, he went to an appointment with cardiac surgeon Vasily Balakhonov. The doctor examined him carefully and gave recommendations. As a result, after thorough examinations, the father was invited to come to the Pirogov Clinic of High Medical Technologies for a coronary angiography procedure, which revealed serious problems with the heart vessels, and an open heart operation was required. The doctor was actively involved in my father's surgery. As a result, Vasily Vasilyevich helped my father overcome a serious illness. Thank you so much for his tireless work and attention!


Jul 3, 2024

I am 37 years old. There was a problem with the aortic valve. They explained that an operation was required. I did the necessary tests. I arrived at the hospital. Under the guidance of Larisa Yurievna, a heart operation and replacement of the aortic valve were performed. Everything went great. Friendly staff, patient care, attentiveness. Thank you.