Логотип Центра

Heart Tumors

About the Procedure

Heart tumors are various neoplasms that arise from the tissues of the heart itself or grow into it from other organs.

They can penetrate the heart muscle, pericardium, affect the valves, and septa of the heart. All heart tumors can be conventionally divided into those developing from the tissues of the heart, i.e., primary tumors, and secondary tumors, arising as a metastatic process from other organs (malignant). The most common is the benign variant - 75% of all heart tumors.

Cardiac myxoma is the most common benign heart tumor. It is a gelatinous formation located in all chambers of the heart, more often in the left atrium. The clinical picture of the disease is extremely diverse and nonspecific and depends on the localization of the tumor and the possibility of penetration into the heart's conduction system. Among the most common symptoms that bother patients are shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, fainting, and various types of arrhythmias. If there is damage to the conduction system, rhythm and conduction disturbances occur (blocks, paroxysmal supraventricular and ventricular tachycardias).

First and foremost, heart tumors are dangerous because they disrupt intracardiac hemodynamics, creating obstacles to blood flow through the valves. Tumors are also dangerous due to embolisms (fragmentation of part of the tumor), causing strokes, kidney infarctions, intestinal infarctions, and limb ischemia. This occurs due to detachment of «pieces» of the tumor and blocking blood flow in the affected organ outside the heart. Currently, echocardiography (transthoracic and transesophageal) and cardiac MRI/CT are used for accurate diagnosis of heart tumors, which, in the vast majority of cases, provide sufficient information about the formation and the most optimal method of its treatment.

High Medical Technologies Clinic performs both diagnostics and surgical treatment of heart neoplasms. Each specific case of the disease is unique and requires an individual approach. Nevertheless, it can be said with certainty that the presence of a myxoma in the heart cavity is an urgent indication for its removal, as the risk of fatal complications is extremely high.

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