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Текстовые отзывы


Apr 2, 2024

I would like to thank the surgeon Asadullin Ilshat Shamilevich for his attentiveness during his duty on March 26, 2024. Ilshat Shamilevich can be said to have saved me from death when I inhaled air. They performed an emergency intervention. I think that doctors like this have a future. And the entire staff is very attentive, led by the attending physician Kalashnikova Larisa Yurievna.


Feb 11, 2024

In September 2023, my husband suffered a heart attack, and CABG was recommended for him. We went to the clinic named after him. Pirogov, and after 2 weeks we were assigned a date for hospitalization. The hospitalization took place strictly according to the time of appointment (from 01/23/2014 to 02/01/2014). We had the entire package of documents and examinations ready for hospitalization, so the hospitalization took place without delay. And the very next day, the operation itself was performed. Before hospitalization, the husband, of course, was worried. But as soon as he got to the department and was examined by Dr. Ilshat Shamilevich, the husband immediately calmed down. The doctor conducted an examination, answered all your questions, and told you in detail how the operation will be performed. After the operation, when my husband was transferred from the intensive care unit to the ward, the doctor allowed me to visit. (I think it is very important when, after such a complex operation, relatives are allowed to be near the patient. I came every day and helped my husband recover.) I am sincerely grateful for the successful CABG operation and the return to a full life of my husband Serov Sergey Nikolaevich. God cannot be everywhere, so he created doctors who have the gift of healing. It is this gift that the cardiac surgeons of the clinic have. Pirogova. There are not enough words to evaluate their work! The perfect combination of responsibility and care in the person of our attending physician Ilshat Shamilevich. Thanks to his golden hands. Ilshat Shamilevich treats his patients as the most important people in the world. It's not likely! I wish you, Doctor, great human happiness, professional growth, moral and material satisfaction from your work! Thank you, Doctor! You are really saving lives!